Год публикации
Артем Шелманов Максим Панов Александр Панченко Артем Важенцев Глеб Кузмин Xudong Han Simon Šuster Timothy Baldwin

Uncertainty Estimation for Debiased Models: Does Fairness Hurt Reliability?


When deploying a machine learning model, one should aim not only to optimize performance metrics such as accuracy but also care about model fairness and reliability. Fairness means that the model is prevented from learning spurious correlations between a target variable and socio-economic attributes, and is generally achieved by applying debiasing techniques. Model reliability stems from the ability to determine whether we can trust model predictions for the given data. This can be achieved using uncertainty estimation (UE) methods. Debiasing and UE techniques potentially interfere with each other, raising the question of whether we can achieve both reliability and fairness at the same time. This work aims to answer this question empirically based on an extensive series of experiments combining state-of-the-art UE and debiasing methods, and examining the impact on model performance, fairness, and reliability.

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