Gleb Gusev Bulat Ibragimov

Learn Together Stop Apart: An Inclusive Approach to Ensemble Pruning


Gradient Boosting is a leading learning method that builds ensembles and adapts their sizes to particular tasks, consistently delivering top-tier results across various applications. However, determining the optimal number of models in the ensemble remains a critical yet underexplored aspect. Traditional approaches assume a universal ensemble size effective for all data points, which may not always hold true due to data heterogeneity.
This paper introduces an adaptive approach to early stopping in Gradient Boosting, addressing data heterogeneity by assigning different stop moments to different data regions at inference time while still training a common ensemble on the entire dataset. We propose two methods: Direct Supervised Partition (DSP) and Indirect Supervised Partition (ISP). The DSP method uses a decision tree to partition the data based on learning curves, while ISP leverages the dataset's geometric and target distribution characteristics.
An effective validation protocol is developed to determine the optimal number of early stopping regions or detect when the heterogeneity assumption does not hold. Experiments using state-of-the-art implementations of Gradient Boosting, LightGBM, and CatBoost, on standard benchmarks demonstrate that our methods enhance model precision by up to 2%, underscoring the significance of this research direction. This approach does not increase computational complexity and can be easily integrated into existing learning pipelines.